POPULARIZED/COACHING PUBLICATIONS (n=20, non peer-reviewed journals)
BOOK (n=2) / BOOKS CHAPTERS (n=4) / BLOG (n=6) / MULTIMEDIA (n=5)
PODCASTS (n=5, selection – full list here)
– peer-reviewed journals [Journaux a comité de LECTURE]
•228. Buchheit M & Laursen PB. Sports Science 3.0 Series <> The Tabatastrophe: How high-end exercise metabolism research turned into low-end fitness workouts. Sport Perf & Science Reports, #248 v1, Feb 2025.
•227. Saniel G & Buchheit M. Gravity off, game on: accelerating recovery and running load readiness in elite football – four case studies supported with data-driven monitoring. Sport Perf & Science Reports, #246 v1, Jan 2025.
•226. Thron M, Ruf L, Buchheit M, Härtel S, Woll A, Altmann S. Anaerobic speed reserve and acute responses to a short-format high-intensity interval session in runners. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. In press. 10.1016/j.jsams.2024.12.012
•225. Zignoli A, Plews D, Laursen PB, Buchheit M. Sports Science 3.0 Series <> AI-Assisted HRV Monitoring: Enhancing Training Load Response and Decision-Making. Sport Performance Science & Reports, Nov 24, #241, v1.
•224. Buchheit M, Hader K, Contis M, Orhant E. Medical confidentiality and performance: challenges and implications of sharing medical data in French football clubs. Sport Performance Science & Reports, Oct 24, #239, v1.
•224(2). Buchheit M, Hader K, Contis M, Orhant E. Entre Secret Médical Partagé et Performance : Problématique et Enjeux du Partage des Données Médicales dans les Clubs de Football. Sport Performance Science & Reports, Oct 24, #239(FR), v1.
•223. Buchheit M & & Eriksrud O. Maximal locomotor function in elite football: protocols and metrics for acceleration, speed, deceleration, and change of direction using a motorized resistance device. Sport Performance & Science Reports, Oct 2024, #238, v1.
•222. Buchheit M & Laursen PB. Sports Science 3.0: Integrating Technology and AI with Foundational Knowledge. Sport Performance & Science Reports, August, 2024, #231, v1.
•221. Malone S & Buchheit M. Dropping into The POCKET: Blending Science and Art to Negotiate The Appropriate Performance Outcomes in Team Sports Environments. Sport Perf & Science Reports, July 24, #229, v1.
•220. Buchheit M, Lázár Z, Sinkó B, Kolozs B, Echevarne A, Guerra J, Krotki P & Eriksrud, O. Assessing Locomotor Demands of Pressing Actions in Elite Football: Insights for Testing and Training Prescription. Sport Perf & Science Reports, May 24, #225, v1.
•219. Buchheit M, Vesco F & Laursen PB. Aerobic Conditioning in Football: Is Zone 2 Training Outdated? Sport Perf & Science Reports, May 6, #224, v1.
•218. Shushan T, Ric Lovell R, McLaren SJ, Buchheit M, Dello Iacono A, Arguedas-Soley A & Norris D. Assessing Criterion and Longitudinal Validity of Submaximal Heart Rate Indices as Measures of Cardiorespiratory Fitness: A Preliminary Study in Football. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, In Press.
•217. Buchheit M, Douchet T, Settembre M, McHugh D, Hader K, & Verheijen R. The 11 Evidence-Informed and Inferred Principles of Microcycle Periodization in Elite Football. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2024, Feb, #218, V1
•216. Buchheit M, Settembre M, Hader K & McHugh D. From High-Speed Running to Hobbling on Crutches: A Machine Learning Perspective on the Relationships Between Training Doses and Match Injury Trends. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2024, January, #216, V1
•215. Buchheit M, Schuster L and King R. Beyond the Scoreboard: Redefining Performance Staff Assessment in Elite Sports Organizations. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2023, November, #210, V1
•214. Settembre M, Buchheit M, Hader K, Hamill R, Tarascon A, Verheijen R, McHugh D. Factors associated with match outcomes in elite European football – insights from machine learning models. Journal of Sports Analytics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2024
•213. A Methodological Comparison of Protocols and Analytical Techniques to Assess Submaximal Fitness Tests Outcome Measures. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, In press
•212. Brown M, Lacome M, Leduc C, Hader K, Guilhem G and Buchheit M. Acute locomotor, heart rate and neuromuscular responses to added wearable resistance during soccer-specific training. Science and Medicine in Football (RSMF), In press.
•211. McHugh, D., Settembre, M., Hamil, R. & Buchheit, M., (2023). A Novel Approach to Assessing Starting Line-up Stability in Sport. Sport Perf & Science Reports 189, v1.
•210. Shushan T, Norris D, McLaren SJ, Buchheit M, Scott TJ, Barrett S, Dello Iacono A & Lovell R. A Worldwide Survey on the Practices and Perceptions of Submaximal Fitness Tests in Team Sports. IJSPP,
•209. Settembre M., Buchheit M., Hader K., Hamill R., Tarascon A., Muro A., McHugh D. & Verheijen R., (2023), Know-your-own-League context: insights for player preparation and recruitment – Part 4: match-to-match players rotations. Sport Perf & Science Reports 186, v1.
•208. Clavel P, Leduc C, Morin J-B, Buchheit M, Lacome M. Reliability of individual acceleration-speed profile in-situ in elite youth soccer players. Journal of Biomechanics, Available online 26 April 2023, 111602.
•207. Buchheit M., Settembre M., Hader K., Tarascon A., McHugh D. & Verheijen R., (2023), Know-your-own-League context: insights for player preparation and recruitment – Part 3: Players substitutions. Sport Perf & Science Reports 185, v1.
Sports Med Open. 2023 Mar 24;9(1):21.
•205. Buchheit M, Settembre M, Hader K, Tarascon A, McHugh D & Verheijen R. Know-your-own-League context: insights for player preparation and recruitment – Part 2: Results and goals scored. Sport Perf & Science Reports, March 10, 183, v1.
•204. Brown M, Buchheit M, Lacome M, Hader K, Guilhem G. Correlations between hamstring muscle architecture, maturation and anthropometric measures in academy soccer players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 2023 Apr 14;1-10.
•203. Buchheit M, Settembre M, Hader K, Tarascon A, McHugh D & Verheijen R. Know-your-own-League context: insights for player preparation and recruitment – Part 1: Team formations. Sport Perf & Science Reports, March 3, 181, v1.
•202. Buchheit M, Settembre M, Hader K, McHugh D. Exposures to near-to-maximal speed running bouts and match hamstring injuries during different turnarounds in elite football. Biol Sport. 2023;40(4):1057–1067.
•201. Buchheit M, King R, Stokes A, Lemaire B, Grainger A, Brennan D, Norman D, Mäkinen A, Ruggiero H, Shelton A, Sammons G, Bridges M, McHugh D, Delaval B, and Hader K. Return to play following injuries in pro football: insights into the real-life practices of 85 elite practitioners around diagnostics, progression strategies, and reintegration processes. Sport Perf & Sci Reports, #180, Jan 2023.
•200. Buchheit M, Gormley S, Hader K and McHugh D. The Performance Science Index: relationships with estimated market value and relative overall sporting performance of a selection of elite football (soccer) teams. Sport Perf & Science Reports, Nov 22, 177, v1.
•199. Buchheit M, Settembre M, Hader K and McHugh D. Planning the microcycle in elite football: to rest or not to rest? Int J Sports Physiol Perfom, 2023 Jan 3;18(3):293-299.
•198. Buchheit M, Settembre M, Hader K, Tarascon A, McHugh D & Verheijen R. Do mid-week European matches influence European teams’ performance in their domestic league? A 20-year study. Sport Perf & Science Reports, Oct 22, 175, v1.
•197. Buchheit M, Ramachandran AK, Fabre M, Cock-Le Doré S, Tiollier E, Lacome M. Nutritional practices for match preparation in football (soccer) – real-life insights into the food, the logistics, and the strategies of elite practitioners. Sport Perf Sci & Reports #174, Oct 2022
•196. Philp CP, Pitchford NW, Visentin DC, Kitic CM, Fell JW, Buchheit M, Minson CT, Gregory JR, Watson G. Can ten days of heat acclimation training improve temperate-condition rowing performance in national-level rowers? PLoS One. 2022 Sep 1;17(9):e0273909. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273909. eCollection 2022.PMID: 36048867
•195. Barreira J, Gantois P, Menezes P, Tannure M, Nakamura FY, Buchheit M, Gómez-Díaz A. External match load of elite Brazilian soccer players during the Libertadores Cup: A case study of a finalist team. Sport Perf Sci & Reports #172, Sept 2022
•194. Taberner M, Allen T, O’keefe J, Richter C, Cohen D, Harper D, Buchheit M. Interchangeability of optical tracking technologies: potential overestimation of the sprint running load demands in the English premier league. Science and Medicine in Football, 7:4, 374-383,
•193. Clavel P, Leduc C, Morin JB, Owen C, Samozino P, Peeters A, Buchheit M, Lacome M. Concurrent Validity and Reliability of Sprinting Force-Velocity Profile Assessed With GPS Devices in Elite Athletes. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2022 Jul 11:1-5.
•192. Shushan T, McLaren SJ, Buchheit M, Scott TJ, Barrett S, Lovell R. Submaximal Fitness Tests in Team Sports: A Theoretical Framework for Evaluating Physiological State. Sports Med. 2022 2022 Nov;52(11):2605-2626.
•191. Brown M, Giroux C, Lacome M, Leduc C, Hader K, Buchheit M. Effects of wearable resistance load placement on neuromuscular activity and stride kinematics: A Preliminary Study. South African Journal of Sports Medicine, In press.
•190. Altmann S, Ruf L, Neumann R, Härtel S, Woll A & Buchheit M. Assessing the usefulness of submaximal exercise heart rates for monitoring cardiorespiratory fitness changes in elite youth soccer players. Accepted 27 Mar 2022, Accepted author version posted online: 29 Mar 2022, Published online: 04 Apr 2022
•189. Buchheit M & Derek McHugh. Elite football injury risk explained: translating 1000 hour injury rates into expected weekly injury counts. Sports Performance & Science Reports, Jan 2022, #155, V1.
•188. Buchheit M, Sandua M, Berndsen J, Shelton A, Smith S, Norman D, McHugh D and Hader K. Loading patterns and programming practices in elite football: insights from 100 elite practitioners. Sports Performance & Science Reports, Nov, 2021, V1.
•187. M. Buchheit, U. Dikmen, C. Vassallo. The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test – two decades of learnings. Sports Performance & Science Reports, Nov 2021.
•186. Soo T., Racinais S., Fairchild T.J., Ihsan M., Buchheit M., Girard O. Effects of graded hypoxia during exhaustive intermittent cycling on subsequent exercise performance and neuromuscular responses. EJAP, In press
•185. Clavel P., Thiolier E., Fabre M., Leduc C., Lacome M., and Buchheit M. Concurrent validity of a continuous glucose monitoring system at rest, during and following a high-intensity interval training session, IJSPP, In press – September 2021
•184. Sandford, G., Laursen, PB., and Buchheit M. Anaerobic Speed/Power Reserve and Sport Performance: Scientific Basis, Current Applications and Future Directions. August 2021, Sports Medicine, DO: 10.1007/s40279-021-01523-9
•183. Buchheit, M, Vassallo, C and Waldron, M. One box-to-box does not fit all – insights from running energetics. Sport Perf and Sci Reports, #136, V1, April 2021.
•182. Buchheit, M., McHugues, D. & Smith S. Kitman Labs Performance Intelligence Research Initiative: A Survey to bring research on the field. Sport Perf Sci & Reports, Feb, #135, v1.
•181. Brown M, Hader K, Guilhem G, Simpson BM, Buchheit M, and Lacome M. The ballistic hip thrust test: a potential tool to monitor
neuromuscular performance. Biology of Sport, Vol. 38 No4, 2021
•180. Sabag A, Lovell R, Walsh NP, Grantham N, Lacome M, and Buchheit M. Upper body resistance training following soccer match play: compatible, complementary, or contraindicated? IJSPP, In press.
•179. Girard O., Buchheit M. Goodhall, S. and Racinais, S. Oxygen availability affects exercise capacity, but not neuromuscular fatigue characteristics of knee extensors, during exhaustive intermittent cycling. EJAP, In press.
•178. Altmann S, Neumann R, Härtel S, Woll A and Buchheit M. Using submaximal exercise heart rate for monitoring cardiorespiratory fitness changes in professional soccer players: A replication study. IJSPP, In press.
• 177. Leduc C., Lacome M, and Buchheit M. The use of standardised runs (and associated data analysis) to monitor neuromuscular status in team sports players: a call to action. Sport Perf Sci & Reports, Auguts, #116, v1.
• 176. F Sarto, F M Impellizzeri, J Spörri, S Porcelli, J Olmo, B Requena, L Suarez-Arrones, A Arundale, J Bilsborough, M Buchheit, J Clubb , A Coutts, D Nabhan, L Torres-Ronda, A Mendez-Villanueva, I Mujika, N A Maffiuletti, M V Franchi. Impact of Potential Physiological Changes due to COVID-19 Home Confinement on Athlete Health Protection in Elite Sports: a Call for Awareness in Sports Programming. Sports Med, 2020 Aug;50(8):1417-1419
• 175. McCall A., R. Pruna, Nick Van der Horst, G. Dupont, M. Buchheit, A. J. Coutts, F. M. Impellizzeri and M. Fanchini on behalf of the EFP-Group. Exercise‑Based Strategies to Prevent Muscle Injury in Male Elite Footballers: An Expert‑Led Delphi Survey of 21 Practitioners Belonging to 18 Teams from the Big‑5 European Leagues. Sports Med, Published Online 16 July 2020.
•174. Buchheit, M., Simpson, BM, Hader, K., and Lacome, M. Occurrences of near-to-maximal speed running bouts in elite soccer: insights for training prescription and injury mitigation. Science & Medicine in Football, In press.
•173. Buchheit M & Brown M. Pre-season fitness testing in elite soccer: integrating the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test into the weekly microcycle. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2020, June, #111, V1
• 172. Buchheit M, Simpson MB and Lacome M. Monitoring cardiorespiratory fitness in professional soccer players: Is it worth the prick? IJSPP, In press
• 171. Buchheit M, Simpson MB, Hader K and Laome M. Practical solutions to submaximal Nordics: insights for exercise familiarization and return to train following knee flexors injury. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2019, December, #80, V1
• 170. Buchheit M. Programming high-speed running and mechanical work in relation to technical contents and match schedule in professional soccer. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2019, July, #69, V1
• 169. Buchheit M., Avrillon S., Simpson B., Lacome M., Guilhem G. The quadrant of doom and hamstring injuries: sexy but too easy? Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2019, June, #63, V1
• 168. Buchheit M & Carolan D. The Noble Ranks of Performance Roles – Who’s a king – who’s a duke? Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2019, May, #60, V1
• 167. Buchheit M., Morin J.B., Mendez-Villanueva A., Tous J., Simpson B., Shield A., Mendiguxia J., Andral J., Fabre M. and Lacome M. PSG Striving for Excellence Summit 2018: Strength training in football – From performance to prevention and rehabilitation. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2019, May, #xx, V1
• 166. Lacome M., Avrillon S., Cholley Y., Simpson B., Guilhem G., Buchheit M. Hamstring eccentric strengthening program: Does training volume matter? IJSPP, 2019 In press.
• 165. Buchheit M. Managing high-speed running load in professional soccer players: The benefit of high-intensity interval training supplementation. Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2019, March, #53, V1
• 164. Buchheit M. Heart rate recovery during repeated high-intensity efforts is not related to the recovery of systemic oxygen uptake and muscle oxygenation, and can’t be used to predict performance decrement. Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2019, January, #46, v1
• 164. Lovell R, Whalan M, Marshall PWM, Sampson JA, Siegler JC, Buchheit M. Scheduling of eccentric lower limb injury prevention exercises during the soccer micro-cycle: Which day of the week? Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018 May 24. doi: 10.1111/sms.13226.
• 163. Lacome M., Simpson B.M., Broad N. and Buchheit M. Monitoring players’ readiness using predicted heart rate responses to football drills. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018 Apr 24:1-25.
• 162. Buchheit M, Modunotti M, Stafford K, Gregson W and Di Salvo V. Match running performance in professional soccer players: effect of match status and goal difference. Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2018, March, #21, v1
• 161. Poulos N., Chaouachi A, Buchheit M, Slimani D, Haff G, Newton RG. Complex training and countermovement jump performance across multiple sets: effect of back squat intensity. Kinesiology, 2018
• 160. Buchheit M., Will Morgan, Jarryd Wallace, Matthew Bode & Nick Poulos. Monitoring post-match lower-limb recovery in elite Australian Rules Football using a groin squeeze strength test. Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2017, Nov, #7, v1.
• 159. Buchheit M., Fabien Leblond, Jennifer Buchheit & Christine Renaud. Improving high-intensity intermittent running performance and repeated-sprint and jump ability in young elite female handball players: to lift or to play? Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2017, Nov, #2, v1.
• 158. Buchheit M. Arnaud Parisy, Fabien Leblond & Christine Renaud. Feet training in young elite handball players: a step forward? Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2018, Nov, #1, v1.
• 157. Lacome M., Simpson B.M, Cholley Y., Buchheit M. Locomotor and heart rate responses of floaters during small-sided games in elite soccer players: effect of pitch size and inclusion of goal keepers. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018 May 1;13(5):668-671
• 156. Buchheit M, Lacome M, Cholley Y & Simpson B.M. Neuromuscular responses to conditioned soccer sessions assessed via GPS-embedded accelerometers: insights into tactical periodization. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018 May 1;13(5):577-583.
• 155. Malone S., B. Hughes, M. Roe, K. Collins, M. Buchheit. Monitoring player fitness, fatigue status and running performance during an in-season training camp in elite Gaelic football. Science and Medicine in Football, In press, 2017.
• 154. Lacome M., B.M. Simpson, Y. Cholley, P. Lambert, and M. Buchheit. Small-Sided Games in elite soccer: Does one size fits all? Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018 May 1;13(5):568-576.
• 153. Karcher C. and Buchheit M. Anthropometric and physical performance requirements to be selected in elite handball academies: is being left-handed an advantage? Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2017, November, #9, v1
• 152. Thorpe RT, Strudwick AJ, Buchheit M, Atkinson G, Drust B, Gregson W. The influence of changes in acute training load on daily sensitivity of morning-measured fatigue variables in elite soccer players. IJSPP, In press
• 151. Rabbani, Alireza and Buchheit M. Ground travel-induced impairment in wellness is associated with fitness and travel distance in young soccer players. Kinesiology, In press.
• 150. Calvin P. Philp, Buchheit M, Cecilia M. Kitic, Christopher T. Minson, James W. Fell. Does short-duration heat exposure at a matched cardiovascular intensity improve intermittent running performance in a cool environment? IJSPP, In press.
• 149. Plews DJ, Laursen PB and Buchheit M. Day-to-day heart rate variability (HRV) recordings in world champion rowers: appreciating unique athlete characteristics. IJSPP 2016, In press.
• 148. Ritchie D, Hopkins WG, Buchheit M, Cordy J, & Bartlett JD. Quantification of training load following upper and lower body injury in Australian Rules Football. IJSPP, in Press.
• 147. Le Meur Y, Buchheit M, Aubry A, Coutts AJ and Hausswirth C. Assessing overreaching with HRR: what is the minimal exercise intensity required? IJSPP, in Press.
• 146. Karcher C & Buchheit M. Shooting performance and fly time in highly-trained wing handball players: not everything is as it seems. IJSPP 2016
• 145. Hader K, A Mendez-Villanueva , D Palazzi, S Ahmaidi and M Buchheit. Metabolic power requirement of change of direction speed in young soccer players: not all is what it seems. PlosOne, In press
• 144. Thorpe RT, Strudwick AJ, Buchheit M, Atkinson G, Drust B and Gregson W. The tracking of morning fatigue status across in-season training weeks in elite soccer players. IJSPP, In Press.
• 143. Haugen T & Buchheit M. Sprint running performance monitoring: methodological and practical considerations. Sports Med 2015, In press
• 142. Buchheit M, Cholley Y, Nagel M and Poulos N. The effect of body mass on eccentric knee flexor strength assessed with an instrumented Nordic hamstring device (Nordbord) in football players. Int J Sports Physiol and Perf, In press
• 141. Aubry A, Hausswirth C, Louis J, Coutts AJ, Buchheit M & Le Meur Y. The development of functional overreaching is associated with a faster heart rate recovery in endurance athletes. Plos1, In press.
• 140. Ritchie D, Hopkins WG, Buchheit M, Cordy J, & Bartlett JD. Quantification of training and competition load across a season in an elite Australian Football Club. IJSPP, In press.
• 139. Rabbani A. and Buchheit M. Heart rate-based versus speed-based high-intensity interval training in young soccer players. International Research in Science and Soccer II, 2015, In press
• 138. Buchheit, M., Gray, A., and Morin J.B. Assessing stride variables and vertical stiffness with GPS-embedded accelerometers: preliminary insights for the monitoring of neuromuscular fatigue on the field. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, In press, 2015
• 137. Buchheit M, Manouvrier C, Cassirame J and Morin JB. Monitoring locomotor load in soccer: is metabolic power, powerful? Int J Sport Med, In press, 2015.
• 136. Hader K, Palazzi D and Buchheit M. Change of direction speed in soccer: How much braking is enough? Kinesiology 47(2015) 1:44-52
• 135. Buchheit, M., Cholley Y. and Lambert P. Psychometric and physiological responses to a pre-season competitive camp in the heat with a 6-hr time difference in elite soccer players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. , In press.
• 134. Deprez D, Buchheit M, Fransen J, Pion J, Lenoir M, Philippaerts RM, Vaeyens R. A longitudinal study investigating the stability of anthropometry and soccer-specific endurance in pubertal high-level youth soccer players. J Sports Sci Med. 2015 May 8;14(2):418-26. eCollection 2015 Jun.
• 133. Thorpe RT, Strudwick AJ, Buchheit M, Atkinson G, Drust B, Gregson W. Monitoring Fatigue During the In-Season Competitive Phase in Elite Soccer Players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2015 Feb 24. [Epub ahead of print]
• 132. Al Haddad H, Simpson BM, Buchheit M, Di Salvo V, Mendez-Villanueva A. Peak Match Speed and Maximal Sprinting Speed in Young Soccer Players: Effect of Age and Playing Position. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2015 Feb 24. [Epub ahead of print]
• 131. Al Haddad H, Simpson BM, Buchheit M. Monitoring Changes in Jump and Sprint Performance: Best or Average Values? Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2015 Feb 11. [Epub ahead of print]
• 130. Stanley, J., Halliday, A., D’Auria, S., Buchheit, M. and Leicht, AS. Effect of sauna-based heat acclimation on plasma volume and heart rate variability. Eur J App Physiol, In press.
• 129. Buchheit M, Kristal Hammond, Pitre C. Bourdon, Ben M. Simpson, Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, Walter F. Schmidt, Christopher J. Gore and Robert J. Aughey. Relative match intensities at high altitude in highly-trained young soccer players (isa3600). Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, In press
• 128. Stanley J, D’Auria S, Buchheit M. Cardiac Parasympathetic Activity and Race Performance: An Elite Triathlete Case Study. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2014 Oct 29. [Epub ahead of print]
• 127. Buchheit, M., Samozino, P., Glynn, J., Simpson, B.M., Al Haddad, H., Mendez-Villanueva, A. and Morin, JB. Mechanical determinants of acceleration and maximal sprinting speed in highly-trained young soccer players. Journal of Sports Sci, In press
• 126. Karcher, C, Ahmaidi S and Buchheit M. Effect of birth date on playing time during international handball competitions with respect to playing positions. Kinesiology, 2014, In press.
• 125. Karcher, C, Ahmaidi S and Buchheit M. Body Dimensions of Elite Handball Players With Respect To Laterality, Playing Positions and Playing Standard. Journal of Athletic Enhancement SciTechnol, 2014, In press.
• 124. Buchheit, M. Sensitivity of heart rate and psychometric measures to monitor physical performance in handball. Int J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 123. Buchheit, M., Poon, T.K., Allen A., Modonutti, M., Gregson, W., and Di Salvo V. Integrating different tracking systems in football: multiple camera semi-automatic system, local position measurement and GPS technologies. J Sports Sci, 2014, In press
• 122. Buchheit, M. and Mendez-Villanueva, A., Changes in repeated-sprint performance in relation to change in locomotor profile in highly-trained young soccer players, J Sports Sci., 2014, In press
• 121. Buchheit M, Morgan W, Wallace J, Bode M, and Poulos N. Physiological, psychometric and performance effects of the Christmas break in Australian Football. IJSPP, 2014, In press.
• 120. Mourot L, Fabre N, Andersson E, Willis S, Buchheit M, Holmberg HC. Cross-country skiing and post-exercise heart rate recovery. IJSPP, 2014, In press.
• 119. Plews D, Laursen P, Kilding A and Buchheit M. Heart rate variability and training intensity distribution in elite rowers. IJSPP, 2014, In press.
• 118. Racinais S, Buchheit M, Girard O. Breakpoints in Ventilation, Cerebral and Muscle Oxygenation, and Muscle Activity During an Incremental Cycling Exercise. Frontiers in Physiology, 2014 In press.
• 117. Buchheit M, Rabbani A and Taghi Beigi H. Predicting changes in high-intensity intermittent running performance with acute responses to short jump rope workouts in children. J Sport Sci & Med, 2014, In Press.
• 116. Karcher C. & Buchheit M. On-Court Demands of Elite Handball. Sports Med, 2014, In press
• 115. Buchheit M. Monitoring training status with HR measures: do all roads lead to Rome? Frontiers in Physiology, 2014, Feb 27;5:73.
• 114. Stanley J. & Buchheit M. Moderate recovery unnecessary to sustain high stroke volume during interval training, J Sport Sci & Med, 2014, In press.
• 113. Buchheit M and Mendez-Villanueva A.Effects of age, maturity and body dimensions on match running performance in highly-trained under 15 soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences, In press.
• 112. Hader K, Mendez-Villanueva A, Ahmaidi S, Williams D and Buchheit M. Changes of direction during high-intensity intermittent runs: neuromuscular and metabolic responses. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, In press.
• 111. Plews D, Laursen P, Kilding A and Buchheit M. Monitoring training with heart rate variability: How much compliance is needed for valid assessment, IJSPP, In press.
• 110. Gore CJ, Aughey RJ, Bourdon PC, Garvican-Lewis LA, Soria R, Jimenez Claros JC, Sargent C, Roach GD, Buchheit M, Simpson BM, Hammond K, Kley M, Wachsmuth N, Pepper M, Edwards A, Cuenca D, Vidmar T, Spielvogel H, Schmidt WF. Methods of the international study on soccer at altitude 3600 m (ISA3600). British J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 109. Sargent C, Schmidt WF, Aughey RJ, Bourdon PC, Soria R, Jimenez Claros JC, Garvican-Lewis LA, Buchheit M, Simpson BM, Hammond K, Kley M, Wachsmuth N, Gore CJ, Roach GD. The impact of altitude on the sleep of young elite soccer players (ISA3600). British J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 108. Roach GD, Schmidt WF, Aughey RJ, Bourdon PC, Soria R, Jimenez Claros JC, Garvican-Lewis LA, Buchheit M, Simpson BM, Hammond K, Kley M, Wachsmuth N, Gore CJ, Sargent C. The sleep of elite athletes at sea level and high altitude: a comparison of sea-level natives and high-altitude natives (ISA3600). British J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 107. Aughey RJ, Buchheit M, Garvican-Lewis LA, Roach GD, Sargent C, Billaut F, Varley MC, Bourdon PC, Gore CJ. Yin and yang, or peas in a pod? Individual-sport versus team-sport athletes and altitude training. Br J Sports Med. 2013 Dec;47(18):1150-4.
• 106. Girard O, Amann M, Aughey RJ, Billaut F, Bishop DJ, Bourdon P, Buchheit M, Chapman C, D’Hooghe M, Garvican-Lewis LA, Gore CJ, Millet GP, Roach GD, Sargent C, Saunders PU, Schmidt W. Schumacher YO. Position statement—altitude training for improving team-sport players’ performance: current knowledge and unresolved issues. British J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 105. Hug B, Heyer L, Naef N, Buchheit M., Wehrlin JP, Millet GP. Tapering for marathon and cardiac autonomic function. Int J Sport Med, In press.
• 104. Stanley J, Peake J, Coombes JS and Buchheit M. Central and peripheral adjustments during high-intensity exercise following cold water immersion. European Journal of Applied Physiology, In press.
• 103. Buchheit M., Racinais, S., Bilsborough, J., Hocking, J., Mendez-Villanueva, A., Bourdon, P.C., Voss, S., Livingston, S., Christian R., Périard J., Cordy, J., and Coutts, A.J. Adding heat to the live-high train-low altitude model: a practical insight from professional football. BJSM In press.
• 102. Buchheit M, Ben M. Simpson, Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, Kristal Hammond, Marlen Kley, Walter F. Schmidt, Robert J. Aughey, Rudy Soria, Charli Sargent, Gregory D. Roach, Jesus C. Jimenez Claros, Nadine Wachsmuth, Christopher J. Gore and Pitre C. Bourdon. Wellness, fatigue and physical performance acclimatisation to a 2-week soccer camp at 3600 m (ISA3600). British J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 101. Racinais S, Buchheit M, Bilsborough J, Bourdon PC, Cordy J and Coutts AJ. Individual Physiological and Performance Responses to a Training Camp in the Heat. Int J Sports Physiology and Perf, 2014, In press.
• 100. Aughey R, Hammond K, Varley MC, Schmidt WF, Bourdon PC, Buchheit M, Simpson BM, Garvican-Lewis LA, Kley M, Soria R, Sargent C, Roach GD, Jimenez Claros JC, Wachsmuth N, and Gore CJ. Soccer activity profile of altitude versus sea-level natives during acclimatisation to 3600 m (ISA3600). British J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 99. Buchheit M, Ben M. Simpson, Walter F. Schmidt, Robert J. Aughey, Rudy Soria, Robert A. Hunt, Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, David B. Pyne, Christopher J. Gore and Pitre C. Bourdon. Predicting sickness during a 2-week soccer camp at 3600 m (ISA3600). British J Sports Med, 2014, In press.
• 98. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A, Mayer N, Jullien H, Marles A, Bosquet L ,Maille P , Morin JB , Cazorla G and Lambert P. Locomotor Performance in Highly-trained Young Soccer Players: Does Body Size Always Matter? Int J Sports Med, 2013, In press.
• 97. Buchheit M, Al Haddad H, Simpson BM, Palazzi D, Bourdon PC, Di Salvo V, Mendez-Villanueva A. Monitoring Accelerations With GPS in Football: Time to Slow Down? Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2013 Jul 30. [Epub ahead of print]
• 96. Plews D, Laursen P, Kilding A and Buchheit M. Training adaptation and heart rate variability in elite endurance athletes – opening the door to effective monitoring, Sports Med, 2013 Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print]
• 95. Stanley J, Peake J and Buchheit M. Cardiac parasympathetic reactivation following exercise: implications for training prescription. Sports Med, 2013 Aug 3. [Epub ahead of print]
• 94. Mendez-Villanueva A. and Buchheit M. Football-specific fitness testing: adding value or confirming the evidence? Journal of Sports Sciences, In press.
• 93. Buchheit M. and Mendez-Villanueva A. Supramaximal intermittent running performance in relation to age and locomotor profile in highly-trained young soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences, In press.
• 92. Buchheit M. and Mendez-Villanueva A. Reliability and stability of anthropometric and performance measures in highly-trained young soccer players: effect of age and maturation. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013 Aug;31(12):1332-43.
• 91. Ufland P, Ahmaidi S and Buchheit M. Repeated-sprint performance, locomotor profile and muscle oxygen uptake recovery. Int J Sports Med, 2013 Jun 5. [Epub ahead of print]
• 90. Ihsan M, Abbiss CR, Lipski M, Buchheit M, Watson G. Muscle Oxygenation and Blood Volume Reliability during Continuous and Intermittent Running. Int J Sports Med. 2013 Mar 22. [Epub ahead of print]
• 89. Plews DJ, Laursen PB, Kilding AE, Buchheit M. Evaluating Training Adaptation with Heart Rate Measures: A Methodological Comparison. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2013 Mar 8. [Epub ahead of print]
• 88. Buchheit M, Rabbani A. 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test vs. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1: Relationship and Sensitivity to Training. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2013 Mar 8. [Epub ahead of print]
• 87. Billaut F, Buchheit M. Repeated-sprint performance and vastus lateralis oxygenation: Effect of limited O(2) availability. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2013 Jan 30.[Epub ahead of print]
• 86. Buchheit M, Racinais S, Bilsborough JC, Bourdon PC, Voss SC, Hocking J, Cordy J, Mendez-Villanueva A, Coutts AJ. Monitoring fitness, fatigue and running performance during a pre-season training camp in elite football players. J Sci Med Sport. 2013 S1440-2440(12)
• 85. Buchheit M and P. Laursen. High-intensity interval training: solution to the programming puzzle – Part II: anaerobic energy, neuromuscular load and practical applications. Sports Med, 2013 In press.
• 84. Buchheit M and P. Laursen. High-intensity interval training: solution to the programming puzzle – Part I: Cardiopulmonary emphasis. Sports Med, 2013 In press.
• 83. Buchheit M, Hader K. and Mendez-Villanueva A. Tolerance to high-intensity exercise : do VO2 kinetics really matter ? Frontiers in Physiology. 2012;3:406.
• 82. Al Haddad H, Mendez-Villanueva A, Bourdon P. and Buchheit M. Effect of acute hypoxia on post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation in healthy men. Frontiers in Physiology. 2012;3:289.
• 81. Racinais S, Mohr M, Buchheit M, Voss S, Gaoua N, Grantham J, Nybo L. Individual responses to short-term heat acclimatization as predictors of football performance in hot dry environment. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012 Sep;46(11):810-5.
• 80. Besson C, Buchheit M, Praz M, Dériaz O and Millet GP. Cardiorespiratory responses to the 30-15 Intermittent Ice Test. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2013 Mar;8(2):173-80.
• 79. Stanley J, Peake JM and Buchheit M. Consecutive days of cold water immersion: effects on cycling performance and heart rate variability. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011. 2013 Feb;113(2):371-84.
78. Buchheit M, Simpson B.M and Mendez-Villanueva A. Repeated high-speed activities during youth soccer games in relation to changes in maximal sprinting and aerobic speeds. Int J Sports Med, 2013 Jan;34(1):40-8.
• 77. Ufland P, Lapole T, Ahmaidi S and Buchheit M. Muscle force recovery in relation to muscle oxygenation. Clinical physiology and functional imaging. 2012 Sep;32(5):380-7.
• 76. Fourchet F, Materne O, Horobeanu C, Hudacek T, Sebo D, and Buchheit M. Reliability of a novel procedure to monitor the flexibility of lower limb muscle groups in highly-trained adolescent athletes. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2013 Feb;14(1):28-34.
• 75. Plews D, Laursen, PB, Kilding, A and Buchheit M. Heart rate variability in elite triathletes: is variation in variability the key to effective training? – a case comparison. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2012 Nov;112(11):3729-41
• 74. Mendez-Villanueva A, Buchheit M, Simpson B.M, and Bourdon P. Match play intensity distribution in youth soccer. Int J Sports Med, 2013 Feb;34(2):101-10
• 73. Buchheit M, Haydar B and Ahmaidi S. Repeated sprints with directional changes: do angles matter? Journal of Sport Sciences, 2012;30(6):555-62.
• 72. Buchheit M. Repeated-sprint performance in team sport players: Associations with Measures of Aerobic Fitness, Metabolic Control and Locomotor Function. Int J Sports Med. 2012 Mar;33(3):230-9.
• 71. Buchheit M, Al Haddad H, Mendez-Villanueva A, Quod MJ and Bourdon PC (2011). Effect of maturation on hemodynamic and autonomic control recovery following maximal running exercise in highly-trained young soccer players. Frontiers in Physiology. 2:69. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2011.00069
• 70. Fernandez –Fernandez J, Sanz-Rivas D, Sanchez-Muñoz C, Gonzalez de la Aleja Tellez J, Buchheit M and Mendez-Villanueva A. Physiological responses to on-court vs running interval training in competitive tennis players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2011) 10, 540-545
• 69. Buchheit M, Simpson BM, Peltotla E and Mendez-Villanueva A. Assessing maximal sprinting speed in highly-trained young soccer players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2012 Mar;7(1):76-8.
• 68. Buchheit M, Svoss S, Mohr M, Nybo L and Racinais S. Physiological and performance adaptations to a soccer training-camp in the heat: associations with heart rate measures. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 2011 Dec;21(6):e477-85
• 67. Stanley J, Buchheit M and Peake JM. The effect of post-exercise hydrotherapy on subsequent exercise performance and heart rate variability. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011. In press.
• 66. Al Haddad H, Parouty J and Buchheit M. Effect of daily CWI on HRV and subjective ratings of well-being in highly trained swimmers. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2012 Mar;7(1):33-8.
• 65. Buchheit M, Abiss C, Peiffer J and Laursen PB. Performance and physiological responses during a sprint interval training session: relationships with muscle oxygenation and pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011. 2012 Feb;112(2):767-79.
• 64. Buchheit M, Simpson B.M, Al Haddad H, Bourdon P. and Mendez-Villanueva A. Monitoring changes in physical performance with heart rate measures in young soccer players. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011. 2012 Feb;112(2):711-23.
• 62. Buchheit M, Ufland P, Haydar B and Ahmaidi S. Reproducibility and sensitivity of muscle reoxygenation and oxygen uptake recovery kinetics following running exercise in the field. clinical physiology and functional imaging. 2011. 2011 Sep;31(5):337-46
• 61. Haydar B, Al Haddad H, Ahmaidi S, and Buchheit M. Assessing inter-effort recovery and change of direction ability with the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2011. 346 – 354
• 69. Buchheit M, Svoss S, Kuitunen S, Williams B, Mendez-Villanueva A and Bourdon P. Physiological strain associated with high-intensity hypoxic intervals in highly-trained young runners. J Strength Cond Res, 2012 Jan;26(1):94-105.
• 60. Al Haddad H, Laursen PB, Chollet D, Ahmaidi S, Buchheit M. Reliability of resting and postexercise heart rate measures. Int J Sports Med. 2011 Aug;32(8):598-605
• 59. Poulos, N. Kuitunen S. and Buchheit M. Effect of plyometric warm ups on sprint performance in adolescent track and field athletes. Journal of Australian strength and conditioning. 2011, 19(1)4-8.
• 58. Buchheit M, Haydar B., Hader K., Ufland P. and Ahmaidi S. Assessing running economy during field running with changes of direction: application to 20-m shuttle-runs. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2011 Sep;6(3):380-95.
• 57. Buchheit M, Horobeanu C, Mendez-Villanueva A, Simpson B.M, and Bourdon P. Effect of age and spa treatment on match running performance over two consecutive games in highly-trained young soccer players. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2011 Mar;29(6):591-8.
• 56. Mendez-Villanueva A., Buchheit M., Kuitunen, S., and Peltola, E. Age-related differences in acceleration, maximum running speed and repeated-sprint performance in young soccer players. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2011 Mar;29(5):477-84.
• 55. Poulos, N. Kuitunen S. and Buchheit M. Effect of preload squatting at varying intensities on sprint performance in adolescent track and field athletes. New Studies in Athletics. 2010, 25, 95-103.
• 54. Mendez-Villanueva A., Buchheit M., Kuitunen, S., Simpson, B.M., Peltola, E and Bourdon P. Does on-field sprinting performance in young soccer players depend on how fast they can run or how fast they do run? J Strength Cond Res, 2011 Jul 15. [Epub ahead of print]
• 53. Buchheit M and Ufland P. Effect of endurance training on performance and reoxygenation rate during repeated- sprint running. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Feb;111(2):293-301.
• 52. Buchheit M. Performance and physiological responses to repeated- sprint and jump sequences. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Nov;110(5):1007-18.
• 51. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A, Simpson B.M, and Bourdon P. Repeated-Sprint Sequences During Youth Soccer Matches. Int J Sports Med, 2010 Jul 8. 2010 Oct;31(10):709-16.
• 50. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A, Simpson B.M, and Bourdon P. Match running performance and fitness in youth soccer. Int J Sports Med, 2010 Nov;31(11):818-25
• 49. Buchheit M, Lefebvre B, Laursen P.B., Ahmaidi S. Reliability, Usefulness and Validity of the 30-15 Intermittent Ice Test In Young Elite Ice Hockey players. J Strength Cond Res 2011, May;25(5):1457-64.
• 48. Al Haddad H, Laursen PB, Chollet D, Lemaitre F, Ahmaidi S, Buchheit M. Effect of cold or thermoneutral water immersion on post-exercise heart rate recovery and heart rate variability indices. Auton Neurosci. 2010 Aug 25;156(1-2):111-6.
• 47. Buchheit M, Bishop D, Haydar B, Nakamura FY, Ahmaidi S. Physiological Responses to Shuttle Repeated-Sprint Running. Int J Sports Med. 2010;31(6):402-9
• 46. Mendez-Villanueva A., Buchheit M., Kuitunen, S., Poon, T., Simpson, B.M., and Peltola, E. Is the relationship between sprinting and maximal aerobic speed in young soccer players affected by maturation? Pediatric Exercise Science. 2010 Nov;22(4):497-510.
• 45. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A, Quod M, and Bourdon P. Determinants of the variability of heart rate measures during a competitive period in young soccer players. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Jul;109(5):869-78.
• 44. Parouty J., H. Al Haddad, M Quod, PM Leprêtre, S. Ahmaidi and Buchheit M. Effect of cold water immersion on 100-m sprint performance in well-trained swimmers. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010, 109:483-90.
• 43. Buchheit M., Duché P, Laursen PB, Ratel S. Post-exercise heart rate recovery in children: relationship with power output, blood pH and lactate. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 2010 Apr;35(2):142-50.
• 42. Buchheit M., Chivot A, Parouty J, Mercier D., Al Haddad H, Laursen PB and Ahmaidi S. Monitoring endurance running performance using cardiac parasympathetic function. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;108(6):1153-67
• 41. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A, Quod M, Quesnel T and Ahmaidi S. Improving acceleration and repeated sprint ability in well-trained adolescent handball players: speed vs. sprint interval training. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2010 Jun;5(2):152-64.
• 40. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A, Delhomel G, Brughelli M and Ahmaidi S. Improving repeated sprint ability in young elite soccer players: repeated sprints vs. explosive strength training. J Strength Cond Res, 2010 Oct;24(10):2715-22.
• 39. Al Haddad H, Laursen PB, Ahmaidi S, Buchheit M. Influence of cold water face immersion on post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Feb;108(3):599-606.
• 38. Nakamura FY, Soares-Caldeira LF, Laursen PB, Polito MD, Leme LC, Buchheit M. Cardiac autonomic responses to repeated shuttle sprints. Int J Sports Med. 2009 Nov;30(11):808-13.
• 37. Buchheit M, Laursen PB, Leblond F, Ahmaidi S. Effect of dorsiflexion shoes on the energy cost of running. Science & Sports, 2010 25, 81—87
• 36. Buchheit M, Spencer M and Ahmaidi S. Reliability, usefulness and validity of a repeated sprint and jump ability test. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2010 Mar;5(1):3-17.
• 35. Buchheit M, Al Haddad H, Chivot A, Leprêtre PM, Ahmaidi S, Laursen PB. Effect of in- versus out-of-water recovery on repeated swimming sprint performance. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;108(2):321-7
• 34. Buchheit M, Laursen PB, Ahmaidi S. Effect of prior exercise on pulmonary O2 uptake and estimated muscle capillary blood flow kinetics during moderate-intensity field running in men. J Appl Physiol. 2009 Aug;107(2):460-70.
• 33. Buchheit M, H. Al Haddad, P. Laursen and S. Ahmaidi. Effect of body posture on post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation. Exp Physiol. 2009, Jul;94(7):795-804.
• 32. Al Haddad H., P. Laursen, S. Ahmaidi and Buchheit M. Nocturnal heart rate variability following supramaximal intermittent exercise. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2009 Dec;4(4):435-47.
• 31. Perandini L., P. chimin, N. Okuno, J. Perrout de Lima, Buchheit M, and F. Nakamura. Parasympathetic withdrawal during 30-15 intermittent fitness test correlates with its’ maximal running speed in male handball players. JEPonline, 2009, 12(2): 29-39.
• 30. Buchheit M, C. Cormie, C. Abbiss, K. Nosaka, S. Ahmaidi and P. Laursen. Muscle deoxygenation during repeated running sprints. Int J. Sport Med. Jun;30(6):418-25.
• 29. Buchheit M, P.B. Laursen, F. Leblond, C. Renaud, D. Ruch, J. Kuhnle, and S. Ahmaidi1. Game-based training in young elite handball players. Int J. Sport Med. 2009 Apr;30(4):251-8
• 28. Buchheit M, P.B. Laursen, H. Al HAddad and S. Ahmaidi. Exercise-induced plasma volume expansion and post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation. Eur J appl Physiol. 2009 Feb;105(3):471-81.
• 27. Buchheit M, J.J. Peiffer, C.R. Abbiss, and P.B. Laursen. Effect of cold water immersion on post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation. Am J Physiol. 2009 Feb;296(2):H421-7.
• 26. Nakamura F., N. Okunoa, L. Perandini, F. de Oliveira, Buchheit M, H. Simões. Perceived exertion threshold: Comparison with ventilatory thresholds and critical power. Science & Sports, 24 (2009) 196–201.
• 25. Buchheit M, G. Delhomel and S. Ahmaidi. Time-motion analysis of elite young French soccer players. Coaching & Sport Science journal, 2008, 3(2), 21.
• 24. Buchheit M, F Leblond, C Renaud, D Ruch, J Kuhnle and S. Ahmaidi. Effects of running versus specific aerobic training in young elite handball players. Coaching & Sport Science journal, 2008, 3(2), 22.
• 23. Buchheit M, F Leblond, C Renaud, J Kuhnle and S. Ahmaidi. Effect of complex vs. specific aerobic training in young handball players. Coaching & Sport Science journal, 2008, 3(2), 22.
• 22. Buchheit M., Al Haddad H, Leprêtre PM, Millet G, M. Newton and S. Ahmaidi. Cardiorespiratory and cardiac autonomic responses to 30-15 Intermittent fitness test. J Strength Cond Res, 2009 Jan;23(1):93-100.
• 21. Buchheit M, Leprêtre PM., Millet GP, Behaegel AL. and S. Ahmaidi. Cardiorespiratory responses during running and sport-specific exercises in handball players. J Sci Med Sport. 2008 Mar 19. In press.
• 20. Buchheit M. The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness test: relevance for interval training prescription in young intermittent sport players. J Strength Cond Res, 22(2):365-374, March 2008.
• 19. Buchheit M. 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test and repeated sprint ability. Science & Sports 23 (1), 2008, pp. 26-28.
• 18. Buchheit M. Field tests to monitor athletic performance throughout a team-sport season. Science & Sports 23 (1), 2008, pp. 29-31
• 17. Buchheit M, P.B Laursen, G.P. Millet, Pactat F. and S. Ahmaidi. Predicting intermittent endurance: critical velocity versus endurance index. Int J. Sport Med. 2008 Apr;29(4):307-15.
• 16. Mourey F, Brondel L, Van Wymelbeke V, Buchheit M, Moreau D, Pfitzenmeyer P. Assessment of cardiac autonomic nervous activity in frail elderly people with postural abnormalities and in control subjects. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. In press.
• 15. Lemaître F., Buchheit M., Joulia F., Fontanari P. and Tourny-Chollet C. Static apnea effect on heart rate and its variability in elite breath-hold divers. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008 Feb;79(2):99-104.
• 14. Buchheit M, GP. Millet, A. Parisy, S. Pourchez, P. Laursen and S. Ahmaidi. Supramaximal training and post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation in adolescents. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2008 Feb;40(2):362-71.
• 13. Buchheit M, P. Laursen and S. Ahmaidi. Parasympathetic reactivation after repeated sprint exercise. Am J Physiol. 293:H8-H10, 2007.
• 12. Buchheit M, R. Solano and GP. Millet. Heart rate deflection point and the second heart rate variability threshold during running exercise in 12- to 15-year old trained boys. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 19:192-204, 2007.
• 11. Buchheit M, C. Platat, M. Oujaa and C. Simon. Habitual physical activity, physical fitness and heart rate variability in preadolescents. Int J Sports Med. 28:204-210, 2007.
• 10. Buchheit M, Simon C, Charloux A, Doutreleau S, Piquard F, and Brandenberger G. Effect of very high physical activity energy expenditure on heart rate variability and self-estimate of health status in middle-aged individuals. Int J Sport Med, Sep;27(9):697-701, 2006.
• 9. Buchheit M, C. Gindre. Cardiac parasympathetic regulation: respective associations with cardio-respiratory fitness and training load. Am J Physiol. Jul;291(1):H451-H558, 2006.
• 8. Buchheit M, Simon C, Charloux A, Doutreleau S, Piquard F, and Brandenberger G. Heart rate variability and intensity of habitual physical activity in the middle-aged. Med Sci Sports Exerc, sept 37(9), 1530-34, 2005.
• 7. Brandenberger G and Buchheit M. Is slow wave sleep as an optimal condition for heart rate variability analysis? Auton Neurosci. 2005 Aug 31;121(1-2):81-6
• 6. Brandenberger G, Hehrhart J and Buchheit M. Sleep Stage 2 – An Electroencephalographic, Autonomic, and Hormonal Duality. Sleep, 2005 Aug 31;121(1-2):81-6
• 5. Buchheit M, Richard R, Doutreleau S, Lonsdorfer-Wolf E, Brandenberger G, and Simon C. Effect of acute hypoxia on heart rate variability at rest and during exercise. Int J Sports Med 25: 264-269, 2004
• 4. Buchheit M, Simon C, Viola AU, Doutreleau S, Piquard F, and Brandenberger G. Heart rate variability in sportive elderly: relationship with daily physical activity. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36: 601-605, 2004.
• 3. Viola AU, Brandenberger G, Buchheit M, Geny B, Ehrhart J, Simon C, Piquard F. Sleep as a tool for evaluating autonomic drive to the heart in cardiac transplant patients. Sleep. 2004 Jun 15;27(4):641-7.
• 2. Buchheit M, Simon C, Piquard F, Ehrhart J, and Brandenberger G. Effect of increased training load on vagal-related indexes of heart rate variability: a novel sleep approach. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 287: H2813-H2818, 2004
• 1. Richard R, Lonsdorfer-Wolf E, Charloux A, Doutreleau S, Buchheit M, Oswald-Mammosser M, Lampert E, Mettauer B, Geny B, Lonsdorfer J. Non-invasive cardiac output evaluation during a maximal progressive exercise test, using a new impedance cardiograph device. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2001 Aug;85(3-4):202-7.
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– peer-reviewed journals [Journaux a comite de LECTURE]
• 10. Buchheit M. & S. Allen. To optimize? First, empathize! IJSPP, March 2022
• 9. Buchheit M. Whom do we publish for? Ourselves, or others? IJSPP 2020 Aug 17;15(8):1057-1058.
• 8. Buchheit M. … and Willy E. Coyote caucht the Road Runner. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019 Mar 1;14(3):277-278
• 7. Buchheit M.and Dupont G. Elite clubs and national teams: sharing the same party? Science & Medicine in Football, 2/2, 83-85, 2018
• 6. Buchheit M. Outside of the box. IJSPP 2018, 12(8), pp. 1001–1002.
• 5. Buchheit M. Houston, we still have a problem. IJSPP 2018, 12(8), pp. 1011–1014.
• 4. Buchheit M. Chasing the 0.2. IJSPP 2016, 11, 417-418.
• 3. Buchheit M. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and pulmonary gas exchange efficiency: time for a reappraisal. Exp Physiol. 2010;95(7):767
• 2. Buchheit M and P. Laursen. Treating hyperthermia: is assessing cooling efficiency enough? Exp Physiol. 2009, Jun;94(6):627-9.
• 1. Buchheit M, Y. Papelier, P.B. Laursen and S. Ahmaidi. Noninvasive assessment of cardiac parasympathetic function: post-exercise heart rate recovery or heart rate variability? Am J Physiol. 293:H133-H141, 2007.
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– peer-reviewed journals [Journaux a comite de LECTURE]
• 18. Carling C., Lacome M., McCall A., Dupont G., F.Le Gall, Simpson B.M. and Buchheit M. Reply to Lewin and O’Driscoll: Comment on: “Monitoring of Post‑Match Fatigue in Professional Soccer: Welcome to the Real World”. Sports Med. 2019 Mar;49(3):491-492.
• 17. Buchheit M., Eirale C, Simpson BM, Lacome M. Injury rate and prevention in elite football: let us first search within our own hearts. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Jun 2. pii: bjsports-2018-099267.
• 16. Carling C., Lacome M., McCall A., Dupont G., F.Le Gall, Simpson B.M. and Buchheit M. Monitoring of post-match fatigue in professional soccer: welcome to the real-world. Sports Med. 2018 Dec;48(12):2695-2702.
• 15. Buchheit M. A Battle Worth Fighting: a Comment on The Vindication of Magnitude-Based Inference. Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2018, July, #36, v1.
• 14. Buchheit M. Magnitudes matter more than beetroot juce. Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2018, Janv, #15, v1.
• 13. Buchheit M. Trivial effects are clearly important. Sport Performance and Science Reports, 2018, Janv, #14, v1.
• 12.Buchheit M. & Simpson BM. Player tracking technology: half-full or half-empty glass? IJSPP, In press
• 11. Buchheit M. Applying the acute:chronic workload ratio in elite football: worth the effort? Br J Sports Med. 2017 Sep;51(18):1325-1327.
• 10. Buchheit M. The numbers will love you back in return – I promise. IJSPP 2016, 11, 551 – 554
• 9. Mendez-Villanueva A. and Buchheit M. Football-specific fitness testing: adding value or confirming the evidence? Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013;31(13):1503-8.
• 8. Buchheit M. Fatigue during repeated sprints: precisions needed. Sport Med, 2012, 42(2):165-7.
• 7. Buchheit M. Should we be recommending repeated sprints to improve repeated-sprint performance? Sport Med, 2012, 42(2):169-72
• 6. Mendez-Villanueva A. and Buchheit M. Favorable metabolisms do not translate into performance “specialists” throughout maturation. J Appl Physiol. (Point/counter Point). 2011. In press.
• 5. Buchheit M. The Two-Hour Marathon: through a highly-individualized training process? J Appl Physiol. (Point/counter Point). 2011. Jan;110(1):282-3;
• 4. Stanley J, Laursen PB, Peake JM and Buchheit M. Modulation of heart rate variability by cold water immersion. Br J Sports Med. eLetter, August 16th, 2010.
• 3. Mendez-Villanueva A. and Buchheit M. Physical capacity-match physical performance relationships in soccer: simply, more complex. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Sep;111(9):2387-9.
• 2. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A. Improbable effect of carbohydrate diet on cardiac autonomic modulation during exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;109(3):571-4.
• 1. Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A. Are 200 students really affecting heart rate variability and alpha-amylase activity? Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;109(3):569-70
back to top non peer-reviewed journals [vulgarisation – Revues sans comite de LECTURE]
•20. Buchheit M, Sandua M, Gray A, Hader, Monnot D, Volante J, Delafosse F. Monitoring the reconditioning of the injured football player with field-based measures: a case study following ACL reconstruction. Aspetar Journal, Nov 2023
• 19. Fanchini M., Pons E., Impellizzeri F., Dupont G., Buchheit M. and McCall A. Exercise-based Strategies to Prevent Muscle Injuries. FC Barcelone MUSCLE INJURY GUIDE: Prevention of and Return to Play from Muscle Injuries. 2019;Chapter 1: 34-41. BARCA INNOVATION HUB
• 18. Buchheit M. & Mayer N. Restoring players’ specific fitness and performance capacity in relation to match physical and technical demands. FC Barcelone MUSCLE INJURY GUIDE: Prevention of and Return to Play from Muscle Injuries. 2019;Chapter 2: 29-37. BARCA INNOVATION HUB
• 17. Lacome M, Simpson BM and Buchheit M. Part 1: Monitoring training status with player-tracking technology. Still on the way to Rome. Aspetar Journal, 2018; 7, 54-63.
• 16. Lacome M, Simpson BM and Buchheit M. Part 2: Monitoring training status with player-tracking technology. Still on the way to Rome. Aspetar Journal, 2018; 7, 64-66.
• 15. Buchheit M. Want to see my report, coach? Aspetar Journal, 2017; 6, 34-43.
• 14. Buchheit M. Programming high-intensity interval training in Handball. Aspetar Journal, 3, 2014.
• 13. Karcher C. and Buchheit M. On-court demands of Elite. Aspetar Journal, 3, 2014.
• 12. Buchheit M. Individualizing high-intensity interval training in intermittent sport athletes using the 30–15 Intermittent Fitness Test. NSCA Hot Topics, 2012.
• 11. Buchheit M. The 30–15 Intermittent Fitness Test : a 10-year review. Myorobie Journal, 1, 1-9, 2010.
• 10. Buchheit M. Le 30–15 Intermittent Fitness Test : 10 ans d’utilisation. Approches du Handball, 121-123 janvier-Mai 2011. [French]
• 9. Haydar B. & Buchheit M. Le 30–15 Intermittent Fitness Test : Application pour le Basket ball. Pivot, 143, 2-5, 2009. [French]
• 8. Buchheit M – ‘Le 2 x 7 + 1’ – un programme simple et rapide pour la prévention des blessures en Handball. Approches du Handball, Août 2008. [French]
• 7. Buchheit M – Alternatives au travail intermittent en navette au handball: jeu à effectif réduit et répétition de sprints – Approches du Handball, Août 2007. [French]
• 6. Buchheit M – Utilisation de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque chez le sportif. Cardio & Sport, Avril 2006. [French]
• 5. Buchheit M – le 30-15 Intermittent Fitness test: évaluation du profil aérobie des adolescents en collège/lycée (Revue EPS, Sep/Oct 2006 n°321) [French]
• 4. Buchheit M – Illustration de la programmation du travail intermittent court à partir d’un test de terrain approprié: le 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (2/2). Approches du Handball, Octobre 2005. [French]
• 3. Buchheit M – Illustration de la programmation du travail intermittent court à partir d’un test de terrain approprié: le 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test. (1/2). Approches du Handball, Août 2005. [French]
• 2. Buchheit M – le 30-15 Intermittent Fitness test: intérêt pour l’évaluation des joueurs de sport-collectif. Approches du Handball, juin 2005. [French]
• 1. Buchheit M – Réponses Physiologiques et orientation de l’entraînement en voile contact – Contacts (64) Juin-Juillet 2004. [French]
• 2. Buchheit M. & G.M. Perry; EGOals. Exercising your EGO in high-performance environments. Amazon printing, October 4, 2021.
• 1. Laursen P.B. & Buchheit M. Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training: Solutions to the Programming Puzzle. Hardcover – December 19, 2018.
• 4. Laursen, P.B. & Buchheit, M. (2023). Developing aerobic power with high-intensity interval training. In: I. Mujika (Ed.), Endurance Training – Science and practice. Second Edition (pp. 55-66). Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country: Iñigo Mujika S.L.U. ISBN 978-84-939970-4-5.
3. C. Leduc, P.B. Laursen & M. Buchheit. HIIT for performance – Insight from CrossFit practices, Advanced Personal Training: Science to practice (2nd edition). Routledge. Editors: Paul Hough and Brad Schoenfeld, 2022
• 2. Buchheit M. & Laursen P.B. Aerobic power training, in High-Performance Training for Sports, Human Kinetics. Editors: David Joyce and Dan Lewindon, 2022.
• 1. Buchheit M. & Laursen P.B. High-Intensity Interval Training, in NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science, Human Kinetics, Editors: Duncan N. French and Lorena Torres-Ronda, 2022.
• 6. Buchheit M. & Steve Barrett. Revolutionizing Marathon Training? My Journey to Malaga Marathon Personal Best. Blog, Dec 2023
• 5. Buchheit M. & Steve Barrett. Neuromuscular load and HIIT: new insights from the foot. Duel publication on both Playermaker and HIITscience.com Blog, Dec 2020
• 4. Buchheit M. High-Intensity Interval Training: The key strategy to maintain fitness during periods of reduced activity. HIITscience.com Blog, March 2020
• 3. Buchheit M. Daily morning rituals: winning or ruining the day? HIITscience.com Blog, December 2018
• 2. Buchheit M. The hands that help are far better than lips that pray. HIITscience.com Blog, September 2018
• 1. Buchheit M. Content is king, but context is God. HIITscience.com Blog, August 2018
• 5. Buchheit M. The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test – Apple & Android App, 2018
• 4. Buchheit M. La préparation Physique en Handball, DVD, Tome I. Myorobie association, 2005. [French]
• 3. Buchheit M. La préparation Physique en Handball, DVD, Tome II. Myorobie association, 2005. [French]
• 2. Buchheit M. La préparation Physique en Handball, DVD, Tome III – le joueur enfant et adolescent. Myorobie association, 2007. [French]
• 1. Buchheit M. La préparation Physique en Handball, DVD, Tome IV – le joueur enfant et adolescent. Myorobie association, 2007. [French]
INVITED SPEAKER – back to top
• 16. Buchheit M. Assessing physical adaptation in the field – lessons learned from the COVID. Japan High-Performance Sport Center, Fev 2022.
• 15. Buchheit M. Load monitoring and management in elite football. Sports Surgery Online Conference, Nov 26, 2021
• 14. Buchheit M. El 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test: evaluación y programación del entrenamiento HIIT. Primer congreso internacional de entrenamiento y rendimiento deportivo. Online Conference, Chile, March 26, 2021
• 13. Buchheit M. Monitorizacion practica de la carga en futboll de elite. Online Conference, Chile, March 26, 2021.
• 12. Buchheit M. Plan your work and work your plan. FC Barcelona Sport Tomorrow Conference, Online Conference, Spain, Nov 2020 | Video
• 11. Buchheit M. Programming High-intensity interval training in elite football. 10th International Conference on Sports and Exercise Science, Online conference, Thaïland, Nov, 2020.
• 10. Buchheit M. Plan your work and work your plan. IIº Simposio de Ciencias Aplicadas al Deporte, Online conference, Chile, Oct 2020 | Video
• 9. Buchheit M. Programming High-intensity interval training in elite football. XVII Edition BergamoScienza Festival, Bergamo, Italy, Oct 5, 2019.
• 8. Buchheit M. Aerobic development for team sports – Confusion solutions? 6th International Congress on Team Sports, Univerity Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain, 22-24 March 2018.
• 7. Buchheit M. Monitoring elite athletes with heart rate measures: tools or toys? 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. 24-27th June 2015, Malmö, Sweden.
• 6. Buchheit M. Monitoring training status in teams sports, 7th international scientific conference on kinesiology, May 22 – 25, 2014, Opatija, Croatia.
• 5. Buchheit M. Testing young Football players: applications for training and monitoring. 1st Asia-Pacific football & futsal seminar: The future of Football in the Asian century, 4-6th April 2014, Melbourne, Australia.
• 4. Buchheit M. Living high-training low in the heat: a promising conditioning cocktail for team sports? International Aspetar Conference on Altitude in Team Sports, March 27th 2013, Doha, Qatar.
• 3. Buchheit M. Post game recovery strategies: the Aspire experience. International Aspetar Conference on Recovery in Team Sports, March 29th 2013, Doha, Qatar.
• 2. Buchheit M. High-intensity training in team sports: how to best shape the puzzle piece ? ASCA International Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning, November 9th – 11th 2012, Surfers Paradise, QSLD, Australia.
• 1. Buchheit M. Is it worth evaluating physical capacities in talent identification programs? 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. 6-10th July 2011. Liverpool, UK.
•34. Buchheit M. Data for decision making – driving or supporting decision? Insights from the coach’s mind, eyes and heart. Kitman Labs Performance Summit, March 2022.
•33. Buchheit M. EGOals. Exercising your EGO in high-performance environments. Supporting Champions Summit, March 2022.
•32. Buchheit M. Programming practices in elite football. French Rugby Federation, Fev 2022.
•31. Buchheit M. L’apport de la technology et des data dans le foot de haut niveau. Sportunlimitech congress, Lille, France, Sep 2021
•30. Buchheit M. El role del EGO en los deportes de alto nivel. UNIR, la universidad international de la Rioja, Online Workshop, Sep 2021
•29. Buchheit M. Programming High-intensity interval training in elite football. Swedish Football Association, Online Workshop, Apr 2021
• 28. Buchheit M. Accompagnement à la performance, amour, KPIs and l’odysée de l’espace. À la Recherche de la Performance (private) Online Worshop, INSEP, Paris, France, March 27, 2021
• 28. Buchheit M. Open discussions about elite sports. Online Workshop, Lancaster University, UK, March 2021
• 27. Buchheit M. EGO management. EM Strasbourg Business School, Online Workshop, France. Jan 18th, 2021
• 26. Buchheit M. Approche statistique du suivi de la perf & du monitoring d’indicateurs physio & psycho. Séminaire D-day, Online Workshop, France. Jan, 2021
• 25. Buchheit M. EGO in elite sports. French Handball Federation, Online Workshop, France. Jan 4th, 2021
• 24. Buchheit M. Programming strength in elite football. Danish Football Federation Online Workshop, 18 Dec 2020.
• 23. Buchheit M. Plan your work and work your plan. French Handball Federation, 2-day Workshop, Paris, France, 12 Dec 2020.
• 22. Buchheit M. Aerobic development and programming for team sports. French Rugby Federation, Online Workshop, Sep 2020.
• 21. Buchheit M. Programming High-intensity interval training in elite football. Swedish Football Association, Oslo, Sweden, 30 Aug 2019.
• 20. Buchheit M. Heart rate variability monitoring: Tool or toy? Insights from the elite world. Firstbeat Summit. Helsinki, Finland, May 2019.
• 19. Buchheit M. Cowboys, Chaos and Coyotes. Kitman lab Performance Summit. London, UK, March 2019.
• 18. Buchheit M. Aerobic development and programming for team sports. The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (Bases), workshop, Bermingam University, UK, March 2019.
• 17. Buchheit M. Aerobic development for team sports. French Basketball Federation Workshop, Paris, France, March 2019.
• 16. Buchheit M. Programmin and monitoring in eliteb football. Brazilian Football Federation (CBF), 2-day Workshop, Rio de Janero, Brazil, Nov 2018.
• 15. Buchheit M. Aerobic development for team sports. French Basketball Federation Workshop, Paris, France, 29th March 2018.
• 14. Buchheit M. The evolution of research, publication and professional practice a call to action! Speedworks Training workshop, Derby, England, March 21st 2018
• 13. Buchheit M. Masterclass: Aerobic development for team sports – Confusion solutions? West Bromwich Albion football club. Birmingham, UK, 8th September 2017.
• 12. Buchheit M. Monitoring training load in team sports: half full or half empty glass? French Rugby Federation Workshop, Marcoussis, France, 10th May 2017.
• 11. Buchheit M. Aerobic development for team sports. French Basketball Federation Workshop, Paris, France, 27th April 2017.
• 10. Buchheit M. Monitoring training load in racket sports. Workshop “match analysis & sport vision in bat and racket sports”, 11th May 2016, National Olympic Center, Rome, Italy.
• 9. Buchheit M. Tracking players with technology. What if we were all wrong? Monitoring Athlete Training Loads – The Hows and Whys conference, 23-25th Frebruary, Doha, Qatar,
• 8. Buchheit M. Tracking players with technology. Sport Technology Symposium, 19th November 2015, Barcelona FC, Spain.
• 7. Buchheit M. Player monitoring and conditioning strategies for field athletes Workshop. 28th March, 2015, Sport Surgery Clinic, Dublin, Ireland.
• 6. Buchheit M. High-Intensity training: Shaping the Puzzle Piece. UKSCA International Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning, 31 Aug-1 Sep 2013, Nottingham, UK
• 5. Buchheit M. Courtiser Dame Nature et s’entrainer moins dur. Journée Internationale des Sciences du Sport, Perf In Sport, 17 Avril 2013, Lens, France.
• 4. Buchheit M. Faut-il vraiment évaluer et développer les qualités physiques chez les jeunes? Biennale du colloque du DUEPP, Lyon, 15 juin 2012, Lyon, France.
• 3. Buchheit M. Use of heart rate measures to assess and monitor conditioning-based training and inform programming in team sports. SPRINZ/NZAS Workshop – Conditioning for Team Sports, March 10, 2011, Aukland, New Zealand.
• 2. Buchheit M. Physical fitness and match running performance. SPRINZ/NZAS Workshop – Conditioning for Team Sports, March 10, 2011, Aukland, New Zealand.
• 1. Buchheit M. High-intensity training in team sports: a time-efficient strategy? SPRINZ/NZAS Strength and Conditioning Conference, November 18, 2011, Aukland, New Zealand.
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- Buchheit M, Cholley Y. and Lambert P. Psychometric and physiological responses to a pre-season competitive camp in the heat after traveling across 6 time-zones in elite soccer players. Heat stress and sport performance conference, 22-23rd June 2015, INSEP, Paris, France
- Buchheit M, Racinais S, Bilsborough J, Hocking J, Mendez-Villanueva A, Bourdon P, Voss S, Livingston S, Cordy J, Coutts A. Live high-train low in the heat: an efficient new training model? 17th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences. 4-7th July 2012, Bruges (Belgium).
- Buchheit M, Simpson B and Mendez-Villanueva A. Repeated high-intensity activities during youth soccer games in relation to changes in maximal sprinting and aerobic speed. 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent, Belgium, May 2012.
- Buchheit M, Simpson, B and Mendez-Villanueva A, High-intensity intermittent running performance in relation to age and maturation in highly-trained young soccer players. 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. 6-10th July 2011. Liverpool, UK.
- Buchheit M, Mendez-Villanueva A, Simpson and Bourdon P. Match running performance and physical capacity in youth soccer. 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. 23-26 June 2010. Antalya, Turkey.
- Buchheit M, Laursen, PB, Al Haddad, H., Ahmaidi, S. Exercise-induced plasma volume expansion and post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation. 13th congress of European College of Sport Science (2008, Estoril, Portugal)
- Buchheit M, Laursen, PB, Kuhnle, J., Renaud, C., Ruch, D., Ahmaidi, S. Effects of running versus specific aerobic training in young handball players. 13th congress of European College of Sport Science (2008, Estoril, Portugal)
- Buchheit M, Solano R. and Millet G. Heart rate variability thresholds and heart rate deflection point during maximal running exercise in circumpubertal boys: accurate methods to assess ventilatory thresholds? 11th congress of European College of Sport Science (2006, Lausanne, Swiss)
- Buchheit M. The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test: relevance for interval training prescription in intermittent sport players. 10th congress of European College of Sport Science (2005, Belgrade, Serbia)
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• 6. Buchheit M. One Track Mind Podcast. Is technology ruining the coach-athlete relationship? Dec 28, 2020
• 5. Buchheit M. Pacey Performance Podcast #321 – The Performance Intelligence Research Initiative with Stephen Smith (CEO/Founder at Kitman Labs), Dec 3, 2020
• 4. Buchheit M. The new performance opportunity. Game Changer Kitman Labs Podcast, Aug 25, 2020
• 3. Buchheit M. Pacey Performance Podcast #203 – The HIITScience project, with Paul Laursen (Sports Scientist and Coach), Aug 30, 2018
• 2. Buchheit M. Pacey Performance Podcast #167, Sport Science on orbit, Dec 21, 2017
• 1. Buchheit M. Metabolic Power, GPS and Training Load. Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller Sports Medicine Jul 26, 2015