How can sports scientists develop to stay ahead of the curve: The view of 6 experts
Within the lines of the Sport Science 3.0 paper, I am happy to share this new opinion piece written with my colleagues Duncan French, Sian Allen, Darren Burgess,...
Within the lines of the Sport Science 3.0 paper, I am happy to share this new opinion piece written with my colleagues Duncan French, Sian Allen, Darren Burgess,...
Malone S & Buchheit M. Dropping into The POCKET: Blending Science and Art to Negotiate The Appropriate Performance Outcomes in Team Sports Environments. Sport Perf & Science Reports, July...
Buchheit M, Lázár Z, Sinkó B, Kolozs B, Echevarne A, Guerra J, Krotki P & Eriksrud, O. Assessing Locomotor Demands of Pressing Actions in Elite Football: Insights for Testing and Training Prescription....
Meilleurs clubs, meilleur staff? Estimer la valeur des staffs dans le sport de haut niveau Accédez à toutes les plateforme ici Dans cet épisode on parle donc d’objectiver...
Buchheit M, Vescio F & Laursen PB. Aerobic Conditioning in Football: Is Zone 2 Training Outdated? Sport Perf & Science Reports, May 6, 224, v1. Full text here...
En este episodio con mi colega Alain Sola, exploramos una variedad de temas basados en nuestras experiencias y aprendizajes. Aquí hay un breve resumen de lo que discutimos:...
My last editorial "Is Your Multidisciplinary Team Scoring Goals or Just Hitting the Post?" is now available in the Football Medical Performance Association (FMPA) Journal. Full article here...
Interressés par la data, l'AI et les blessures ⚽ ♿ ? Voici une toute petite contribution à visée grand public dans L'EQUIPE du 27/02/24 qui reflète mes 3 ans de...
Buchheit M, Douchet T, Settembre M, McHugh D, Hader K, & Verheijen R. The 11 Evidence-Informed and Inferred Principles of Microcycle Periodization in Elite Football. Sport Performance &...
In episode #485 of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob chats to High Performance Consultant, Martin Buchheit, to explore the critical aspect of evaluating performance staff within sports organizations. How...