Integrated High performance, Science & Research

Dropping into The POCKET: Blending Science and Art to Negotiate The Appropriate Performance Outcomes in Team Sports Environments

26 July 2024



Dropping into The POCKET: Blending Science and Art to Negotiate The Appropriate Performance Outcomes in Team Sports Environments

Malone S & Buchheit M. Dropping into The POCKET: Blending Science and Art to Negotiate The Appropriate Performance Outcomes in Team Sports Environments. Sport Perf & Science Reports, July 24, 229, v1.

Full text here

Every day as practitioners, we engage in gathering data, organizing it, entering it into databases, and preparing reports. However, a recurring challenge is the difficulty multidisciplinary teams face in effectively communicating this data. We’re at a pivotal moment where the ability to communicate data lags behind rapid technological progress. Regularly, in high-performance environments, we find ourselves in negotiations with coaches or team members, aiming to enhance player performance.

In our latest opinion piece, Shane Malone and I introduce a model designed to improve our discussions, negotiations, and the way we share data to enhance performance outcomes.

We introduce the POCKET model and explore how mastering the negotiation process can benefit practitioners on a daily basis and lead to better performance results.

Listen to the TrainingScience Podcast episode for more on that – an original idea from Shane

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