The Noble Ranks of Performance Roles – Who’s a king – who’s a duke?
Buchheit M. The Noble Ranks of Performance Roles – Who’s a king – who’s a duke? Sport Performance & Science Reports, 2019, May, #60, V1
Adam Ringler comments the paper on his Podcast
The number of “performance staff” has grown exponentially over the past years in elite clubs. While there is no doubt that these positions are created to improve long-term club processes, staff communication, and in turn, players and team performances, an important confusion exists with regard to the actual roles of those professionals. There is a feeling that there may be (almost 😊) as many job titles as structures, and there are also large variations in role (job description) within the same job title!
To shed a bit of light upon the Performance area, we recently invited Performance practitioners to fill a short online questionnaire. The current article provides an overview of the results gathered from 218 practitioners and eventually offers an overall reflection around the importance and impact, if any, of these types of jobs. The paper also touches on the various communication lines around those people and the challenges they must face during their daily work.
Infinite thanks to the 218 responders without whom the present paper could not be written! Thanks to my partner @davecarolan too!
Word Cloud for the Level 4 High-Performance Manager role (upper left), Level 3 Head of Performance role (upper right), Level 2 Head of Strength & Conditioning role (lower left) and Level 2 Head of Sport Science role (lower right) (words corresponding to the titles given, with the greater the word size, the greater the frequency of use in the title).

Word cloud showing the strategies used to inform, communicate and share decision making (if any) with the coaching staff (with the greater the word size, the greater the frequency of its use as a strategy).